

护理是美国最值得信赖的职业. At Concordia University, 你将做好充分的准备,以道德为导向, 卓越的专业和基督徒的关怀.

Core values

  • Christ-Centered: 我们相信耶稣基督的救赎工作.
  • Truth & Integrity: 我们在所有的关系中都说真话,表现正直.
  • Excellence: 我们竭尽全力支持大学的使命.
  • Service: 我们以关怀、帮助、尊重和知识渊博的方式为他人服务. 我们重视与不同的人、正规赌博十大网站和思想的真诚接触.

Strategic focus areas

  • Education: 准备护士领导谁将塑造护理的正规赌博十大网站,通过重点过渡到能力为基础的教育.
  • Clinical Practice: Provide high-quality, person-centered, compassionate care with individuals, families, communities, and populations.
  • Diversity and Inclusion: 促进和支持促进多样性和包容性的正规赌博十大网站和环境.
  • Scholarly inquiry: 生成,评估和翻译证据,以改善临床实践和教育成果.
  • Interprofessional Collaboration: 提供跨专业合作的机会, education, practice, research, and policy development.
  • Partnerships: 建立和维护临床、学术和大学的合作伙伴关系.
  • Faculty: 授权教师帮助学生发展的思想,身体和精神为他人服务.

Our philosophy

The philosophy of the School of Nursing is consistent with and reflects the stated purpose and mission of Concordia University and its core values; Christ-centered, valuing truth and integrity, excellence, and service.

Human beings


我们相信,每个人的尊严都应该得到尊重和培育, 拥抱我们的多样性尊重每个人的独特性.


健康和疾病受到植根于社会心理的复杂相互关联因素的影响, spiritual, cultural, economic, and environmental factors.

Optimal health does not preclude the existence of illness; health and illness exist on parallel continuums such that even people with chronic or debilitating illness may experience optimal levels of health through adaptation.

Health care delivery

保持最佳健康和预防疾病取决于患者之间的合作伙伴关系, families, communities, 还有跨专业的护理团队.

Patients, families, communities, 必须支持和鼓励人口作出卫生保健决定,并参与应对卫生或疾病挑战所需的适应性工作,因为他们过渡到卫生保健系统的各个层次.

在日益复杂的卫生保健环境中,由先进的卫生保健技术驱动, 护士以系统为基础的方法应对和领导.

Beliefs about nursing

As compassionate caregivers, 护士参与生命中最深刻的正规赌博十大网站, 尤其是在人们最脆弱的时候.

护理是对人类反应的诊断和治疗,并倡导对个人的护理, families, groups, communities, 人们认识到全人类的联系.” (ANA, 2021, p. 2)


  • 预防疾病/促进健康和福祉,包括身心健康和
  • 管理一般健康患者的轻微急性和间歇性护理需求
  • chronic disease management
  • regenerative or restorative care
  • 临终关怀/临终关怀

(ANA 2021 & Essential 2021)

护理是独特的服务职业在其愿景, scope, intimacy, and privileged relationship to patients; and in its concern with creating and using evidence-based knowledge to help patients achieve optimal health outcomes.

护士必须在法律规定的环境中充分发挥其教育和培训的作用, ethics, standards of practice, 偿还规定与教育和经验相称.

Beliefs about education


  1. knowledge for nursing practice
  2. person-centered care
  3. population health
  4. scholarship for nursing practice
  5. quality and safety
  6. interprofessional partnerships
  7. systems-based practice
  8. information and healthcare technologies
  9. professionalism
  10. 个人、专业和领导力发展

我们的课程整合了文科教育,在积极学习的环境中为卓越的护理提供了基础, scholarly inquiry, and evidence-based practice.

以学生为中心的学习最好是在一个重视不同正规赌博十大网站的支持性环境中实现的, 个人的学习方式和经历.

护理教职员工通过发展促进教学和学习, 课程的实施与评估, student assessment, mentoring and role modeling.

The term “patient” encompasses individuals, families, groups, 以及不同健康和疾病状态下的社区.
American Nurses Association, (2021). Nursing: Scope and standards of practice. Revised July, 2022.
21年12月护理学院修订通过. 由护理学院修改并批准7/2022.